Beat The Heat!

This hot weather can cause serious problems for our furry friends- one of them being heatstroke.  Pets that are kept outdoor need to have access to cool water and shade at all times. Dogs really shouldn’t engage in physical activity during hot days and it’s not safe for them to wear a muzzle unless it’s completely necessary.  Here are some symptoms to look for with heatstroke: heavy panting, increased salivation, increased body temperature, red or pale mucous membranes, bloodshot eyes, vomiting blood, diarrhea, or weakness. As heat stroke progresses, it can lead to seizures, coma, sudden kidney failure, cardiac arrest, and even death. Some things you can do for heatstroke are: first and foremost- remove them from the hot environment, apply a cold pack to head to decrease core temperature, let them drink as much water as they want, or put them in a bath tub and run cool water over them.  Never give aspirin or other medications to lower their body temperature!  Make sure you call your veterinarian and let them know what’s going on because they will most likely want you to bring them in right away!

Brachycephalic breeds, dogs with a short broad skull, are more prone to heat stroke.  Some breeds include: Bulldogs, Pugs, Boxers, Boston Terriers, and Shih Tzus.

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